"Something happened inside of me that I can not explain
I got this surge of energy and said 'f you and your reign'
Somehow, someway I got out just in time
But what he had already done will never get out of my mind
From then on my life has been forever changed
It was like all I knew had been rearranged
I hate him with everything I have in me and so much more
And one day I want to end this war"

This is an excerpt from one of thousands of poems written by rape victims around the globe. The particular poem I quoted above was written by a young lady who had been raped by her father, a heinous and disgusting offense. While she admits that writing about her terrifying experiences has helped her cope with her past, she will remain forever changed because of his actions.
It is easy to detach yourself from the fact that women, children, and men, in every country in the world fall victim to sexual abuse every day. But this violence is all too real. The suffering is all too real. Because sexual abuse is such an uncomfortable issue to discuss and deal with, we are all too ready and willing to NOT discuss it, and to NOT deal with it. This blog intends to do just the opposite. I want to bring to light issues, stories, facts, and ideas that deal directly with some of the most horrific sexual abuses occurring around the world. I want to enlighten people on what victims deal with on a day to day basis for the rest of their lives. I want to enrage people and get their blood boiling. I want to teach them that turning their heads away from the problem and feigning ignorance is unacceptable.
It is easy to detach yourself from the fact that women, children, and men, in every country in the world fall victim to sexual abuse every day. But this violence is all too real. The suffering is all too real. Because sexual abuse is such an uncomfortable issue to discuss and deal with, we are all too ready and willing to NOT discuss it, and to NOT deal with it. This blog intends to do just the opposite. I want to bring to light issues, stories, facts, and ideas that deal directly with some of the most horrific sexual abuses occurring around the world. I want to enlighten people on what victims deal with on a day to day basis for the rest of their lives. I want to enrage people and get their blood boiling. I want to teach them that turning their heads away from the problem and feigning ignorance is unacceptable.
I love how your are bringing up this issue which has been "tabboed" for so long. Im excited to read your post in the near future.